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Jon Kola aktualisht është student në Fakultetin e Drejtësisë, Universiteti i Tiranës në Programin e Integruar 5-vjeçar “Master i Shkencave në Drejtësi”. Formimi i tij akademik përfshin edhe të Drejtën Ndërkombëtare, të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe Shkencat Politike. Krahas studimeve, Joni ka një përvojë solide në sektorin e shoqërisë civile. Pasioni i tij për diplomacinë dhe marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare e ka shtyrë atë të jetë pjesë e trajnimeve, akademive dhe konferencave të ndryshme për politikëbërjen lokale, rajonale dhe evropiane. Si një entuziast i politikës, Joni ka qenë pjesë e tryezave të politikëbërjes me forume rinore politike për të manifestuar nevojat e rinisë shqiptare tek politikanë dhe ekspertë. Tashmë ai është pjesë e organizatës Beyond Barriers – Pertej Barrierave.
Etmond Axhami ka përfunduar studimet Bachelor për Shkenca Politike , Fakulteti i Shkencave Sociale, Universiteti i Tiranës si dhe Master Shkencor për Politika dhe Qeverisje në Europë , Instituti i Studimeve Europiane , Universiteti i Tiranës. Ai është pjesë e OJQ-së Qendra për Progres Rinor prej disa vitesh si activist si dhe koordinator i Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar për Qarkun e Kukësit. Ka marrë pjesë në disa trajnime kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare në lidhje me politikat rinore.
Marilo Meta ka më shumë se 7 vjet përvojë në sektorin jofitimprurës. Para se të angazhohej e Partneritetin e Qeverisë së Hapur (Washington DC) për të çuar përpara kufijtë e rinj të pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve, përmes angazhimit të drejtpërdrejtë të qytetarëve, përfshirjes, Marilo ka udhëhequr OJF ndërkombëtare “LDA Balkan”, për të ndihmuar të rinjtë të zhvillojnë aftësitë e tyre personale dhe profesionale duke punuar në një mjedis ndërkombëtar, për t’i dhënë çdo të riu një mundësi për t’u bërë udhëheqës dhe krijues të ndryshimeve në komunitetin e tyre për të zgjidhur probleme komplekse të shoqërive tona. Në pozicionin e Presidentit për LDA Ballkan, Marilo ka qenë i përfshirë në menaxhimin e përgjithshëm të organizatës duke përfshirë por jo vetëm të kufizuar në ngjarje, konferenca, shkëmbime ndërkombëtare për të forcuar udhëheqjen e të rinjve, zhvillimin personal dhe profesional të të rinjve për LDA Shqipëri dhe degët në Ballkan.
Para kësaj, Marilo kam punuar si specialist IT në Njësinë e Inteligjencës Financiare Shqiptare (Parandalimi i Pastrimit të Parave) Ministria e Financave dhe Ekonomisë. Më parë ka shërbyer si menaxher i marketingut dhe marrëdhënieve me publikun për Forcën e Policisë Shqiptare. Para kësaj, ai kaa punuar si menaxher i departamentit të shërbimit kompjuterik për NOA Financojmë. Ndërsa vazhdonte studimet bachelor dhe master shkencor për shkenca kompjuterike, Marilo kaa qenë i angazhuar në disa organizata rinore me një gamë të gjerë aktivitetesh përfshirë të drejtat e njeriut, mjedisin, qeverisjen, programe të kujdesit shoqëror nën udhëheqjen e organizatave si AEGEE, AIESEC, Përtej Barrierave, Rotaract Tirana, Rrjeti I Rinisë Shqiptare. Për më tepër, ai vërtet mund të përcaktoj vizionin e tij si udhëheqës i një organizate rinore jofitimprurëse, I cili është fuqizimi i rinisë përmes bashkëpunimit, shkëmbimit të njohurive, rrjetëzimit, promovimit të inovacionit dhe përmirësimit të vazhdueshëm të talenteve, ndërtimin e besimit më të fortë duke u rritur me integritet, rritja e paqes duke udhëhequr me barazi, dhe arritjen e rezultateve të jashtëzakonshme duke i lidhur njerëzit me njerëzit, njerëzit me ide dhe njerëzit me mundësi.
Kristi Çina ka përfunduar studimet për Drejtësi pranë Universitetit “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” në Iasi, Rumani. Falë edhe programit të shkëmbimit rinor ERASMUS + të kryer në Itali, ai ka patur mundësinë të studiojë në 4 universitete të ndryshme në gjuhën rumune, angleze dhe italiane, duke u angazhuar në të njëjtën kohë në organizime të ndryshme rinore jashtë vendit.
Pas 7 viteve të kaluara jashtë, Kristi është kthyer në Shqipëri në vitin 2016 kur ka themeluar shoqatën United Nations Association Albania (UNA-A), një OJF rinore e cila ka si synim përhapjen e vlerave të OKB-së në mesin e të rinjve. Përgjatë këtyre viteve UNA-A ka krijuar një komunitet rinor të mirëorganizuar (UNYA Albania) që ka përfshirë rreth 200 të rinj vullnetarë në periudha të caktuara kohore, duke ideuar inisiativa për fuqizimin e të rinjve dhe përfshirjen e tyre në realizmin e Objektivave të Zhvillimit të Qendrueshëm.
Kristi është themeluesi i projekteve të ndryshme si: Model United Nations Albania (MUN Albania), Simulation Game, MUN Lab, si dhe Programit të Delegatëve Rinorë të Shqipërisë në OKB, përmes së cilit gjatë dy viteve të fundit, dy të rinj i janë bashkuan çdo vit delegacionit kombëtar të Republikës së Shqipërisë në Asamblenë e Përgjithshme të OKB-së si këshilltarë rinorë duke mbajtur, midis të tjerash një fjalë për gjendjen e rinisë në Komitetin e Tretë të këtij organi. Ai ka marrë pjesë në konferenca të ndryshme si organizator dhe/ose folës mbi çështje të lidhura me rininë, Agjendën 2030 dhe OKB-në. Angazhimi i Kristit është vlerësuar edhe përmes përfshirjes së tij në programin e shkëmbimit International Visitor’s Leadership Program (IVLP) të Departamentit të Shtetit Amerikan mbi angazhimin qytetar dhe atë rinor në mars të vitit 2019.
Përsa i përket planit profesional, Kristi ka punuar për rreth 2.5 vite pranë Deloitte Legal Shpk në pozicionin e konsulentit ligjor si dhe pranë Prezencës së OSBE-së në Shqipëri në pozicionin e asistentit ligjor. Falë profilit profesional, Kristi ka përgatitur rekomandime dhe analiza si për Ligjin për Rininë ashtu edhe për aktet nënligjore në zbatim të tij duke bashkëpunuar me strukturat e Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar me qëllim adresimin e problematikave të krijuara nga ky kuadër ligjor. Kristi shpreson që eksperiencën e mbledhur përgjatë kësaj periudhe ta vendosë edhe në shërbim të pozicionit të anëtarit të Bordit Drejtues të Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar duke ndihmuar në vijimësinë e
suksesit të kësaj strukture.
Emri im është Pamela Gjergji. Jam 22 vjec, lindur në qytetin e Durrësit. Aktualisht studioj në Universitetin e Mjekësisë në Tiranë, dega mjekësi e përgjithshme në vitin e pestë. Jam pjesë e shoqatës MAYA , një shoqatë jo qeveritare mjekësore lider, e cila promovon dhe angazhon të rinjtë në projekte për të pasur një rol sa më efikas në cështjet e shendetit. Prej disa muajsh jam e anëtarësuar në Global Peace Chain si ambasadore e paqes për Italinë. Jam një person shumë i motivuar që zotëroj aftësi komunikimi shumë të mira. Më pëlqen puna në grup dhe mundohem të jem sa më bashkëpunuese për zhvillimin e projekteve dhe aktiviteteve të ndryshme kryesisht në fushën e mjekësisë. Parapëlqej të eksploroj me dije bashkëkohore për të krijuar njohuri të qëndrueshme për karrieren time në të ardhmen. Gjuhët e huaja që zoteroj janë anglisht dhe italisht.
Gersi Hoxha ka përfunduar studimet bachelor në degën Financë pranë Universitetit të Tiranës dhe aktualisht është duke ushtruar profesionin e tij në një institucion bankar në detyrën e oficerit të taksave.
Angazhimet me në fokus të rinjtë dhe sfidat me të cilat ata perballen për të kane nisur rreth moshës 15 vjeçare me disa projekte të implementuara nga organizata INAC, organizatë në të cilën sot mban detyrën e Koordinatorit për të rinjtë.
Në vitin 2019 u bë pjesë e nismës “Unë e Dua Vullnetarizmin”, një nisëm e ideuar dhe implementuar nga një grup studentësh me qëllim promovimin e vlerës së vullnetarizmit si një vlerë europiane e në të cilën ka mbajtur rolin e zv.Koordinatorit.
Sapo ka mbyllur vitin e dytë të angazhimit në projektin europian SAME “Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe”, një projekt ky i implementuar në shumë shtete europiane duke synuar përpos të tjerave edhe krijimin e një rrjeti ndërkombëtar bashkëpunimi mes organizatave rinore.
2020, ishte viti i parë i implementimit të kësaj nisme në Shqipëri me mbeshtetjen e AS@N dhe EDM, vit në të cilin Gersi mbante poziconin e personit të kontaktit në rang kombetar dhe Koordinatorit Lokal për qytetin e Elbasanit. Në vitin e dytë me strukturen e re organizative u bë Anëtar Bordi i Asamblesë së Përgjithshme dhe vazhdoi të mbajë pozicionin e Koordinatorit Lokal.
Së fundmi, Gersi është bërë pjesë e programit të Ambasadorëve Rinor Europian duke mbajtur titullin e Ambasadorit Rinor Europian për Shqiperinë me një mandat 3 vjeçar.
Edukimi: Perfunduar arsimin e mesem te larte.
Aktualisht ne ndjekie te studimeve, viti III, dega Mjekesi e Pergjithshme, Universiteti I Mjekesise, Tirane.
Perfshirja ne aktivitete:
Aktivitete te karakterit te Kontributit Vullnetar:
~Ofruar asistence ne ‘Programin e Shendetit’, ‘Programin e Rinise’, ‘Programin e Ndihmes se Pare’ dhe ‘Programin Social’, prane Kryqit te Kuq Kombetar, dega Fier ne periudhen shtator 2017-shtator 2018.
~ Vleresuar me Certifikate Mirenjohje per kontributin e dhene si vullnetar ne procesin e intervistimit te qytetareve ne realizimin e sondazhit prej Bashkise Fier , me mbeshtetjen e projektit te USAID-it per Planifikimin dhe Qeverisjen Vendore (PLGP), ne kuadrin e Programit te Permiresimit te Cilesise se Sherbimit (QSIP), dhjetor 2019.
Aktivitete te natyres formuese jashte-kurrikulare shkollore:
~Vleresuar me Certifikate Arritje ne konkursin e katert nderkombetar te gjuhes angleze “HIPPO”, organizuar nga Global Hippo Association, mars 2016.
~Ndjekur Shkollen Verore me ne fokus temat e “Lidershipit dhe te Drejtat e Njeriut” (21-26 Gusht 2017) dhe “Te rinjte drejt Objektivave te Zhivillimit te Qendrueshem 2030” (27 Gusht- 1 Shtator 2018), organizuar nga Qendra Rinore “Epoka e Re”, Fier.
~Vleresuar me Certifikate Vleresimi per pjesemarrjen ne aktivitetin “Youth Election Talk”, me qellim perfshirjen e te rinjve ne debatin politik parazgjedhor, organizuar nga ACMS (Albanian Cometee of Medical Students), prill 2021.
Aktivitete te formatit ‘konkurs”:
~ Vleresuar me cmimin Debatuesi me i Mire ne Kampionatin Kombetar te Debatit, midis gjashtembedhjete shkollave te mesme nga katermbedhjete qytete te vendit ne kuader te projektit “Re-Debate 4.0 – Rigjallerimi i Kultures se Debatit”, zbatuar nga organizata Liburnetik me mbeshtetjen e Fondacionit Shoqeria e Hapur per Shqiperine dhe ne partneritet me Ministrine e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinise, qershor 2018.
~ Perfaqësuar skuadrën pjesëmarrëse të gjimnazit “Janaq Kilica” në pozicionin e lideres në Konkursin Kobëtar të Debatit duke fituar vendet I dhe II ne edicionet Re-Debate 4.0 dhe 4.1, qershor 2018-qershor 2019.
~Vleresuar per pjesemarrjen ne Konkursin IV Kombetar per promovimin e vlerave humane “Rinia dhe Kryqi i Kuq”, organizuar nga Kryqi i Kuq Shqiptar, shtator 2018.
Aktivitete te tjera:
~Ndihmuese ne organizimin dhe aplikimin e aktiviteteve ekstrakurrikulare ne pozicionin e krye-senatores prane gjimnazit “Janaq Kilica”, 2018-2019.
~Pjesemarrje ne Konfereca Mjekesore (Konferenca Mjekesore Nderkombetare Multidisiplinare, akredituar prane QZHP, organizuar prej ACMS, Universitetit te Mjekesise dhe Shoqates se Mjekeve Shqiptar ne Gjermani), dhjetor 2020.
Alketa Çipi u lind në Elbasan, më date 3.11.1993
Ka përfunduar studimet ne Fakultetin e Ekonomisë për Ekonomi Turizëm dhe Msc në Marketing e diplomuar së fundmi, në qytetin e Elbasanit. Gjithashtu ka qëne përfituese e dy bursave Erasmus +
Mobility në shtetin e Spanjës përgjatë vitit 2017-2018.
Aktualisht punon pranë Qendra Rinore Perspektiva si Junior Trainer dhe Asistente Kordinatore.
Projektet ku ka punuar janë: ‘My Voice, My Vote’ – Asistente Kordinatore në vitin 2021.
Junior Trajner në projektet Be My voice: Human Rights in Covid 19 Era’ dhe Be My Voice: ‘Say No to Discrimination’ dhe së shpejti do jetë në vazhdimësine e projektit të Be My Voice: ‘Equal Rights’
Trajnere në projektin ‘Youth ARTivism’ i cili po implementohet në qytetin e Durrësit nga Artivist Stafetë.
Ka marrë pjese në projekte të ndryshme dhe jashtë shtetit ku ndër to përmendim: ‘Design Your Job 3’ nga EESTEC LC Tirana, projekti ‘We Make Democracy’ nga Sajv në Zvicër në vitin 2019 dhe ‘We Make Democracy’ në vitin 2021-2022 në vazhdimësi, projekti ‘Be Up’ nga Sokoli Mladinska Sloveni.
Aktualisht është duke ndjekur kursin e ‘Digital Marketing’ nga Digital Jobs Albania.
Flet tre gjuhë të ndryshme: Anglisht, Italisht dhe Spanjisht.
Lili Doda është nje e re, aktiviste, ka përfunduar studimet bachelor “Marrëdhënie me Publikun” në Universitetin “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës dhe aktualisht ndjek studimet Master Shkencor, “Marrëdhënie Ndërkombëtare”, Universiteti i Tiranës.
Lili ka nisur angazhimin e saj rinor prej shumë vitesh në kauza dhe organizata të ndryshme. Në vitin 2015 u bashkua në aktivitetet e Institutit të Studimeve Politike (ISP) duke qënë pjesë e projekteve të ndryshme në fushën e monitorimit të zgjedhjeve, të fushatave elektorale, të institucioneve, të nxitjes së pjesëmarrjes së të rinjëve në vendimmarrje, të monitorimit të standardeve të transparencës të institucioneve etj.
Në vitin 2019 u bë pjesë e nismës “Unë e Dua Vullnetarizmin”, në rolin e koordinatores, nisëm e cila kishte për qëllim promovimin e vlerës së vullnetarizmit.
Dhjetor 2021, mbylli angazhimin e saj dy vjecar në projektin europian SAME “Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe”, i cili implementohet në Shqipëri nga Rrjeti As@n.
Viti 2020, ishte viti i parë i kësaj nisme në Shqipëri, vit në të cilin mbante poziconin e Koordinatores së Punësimeve në rang kombëtar dhe Koordinatores për qytetin e Tiranës. Në vitin e dytë, me strukturen e re organizative u bë anëtare e Bordit të Asamblesë së Përgjithshme dhe vazhdoi të mbante pozicionin e Koordinatores lokale.
Tetor 2021 u bë pjesë si asistente e projektit “Instituti për vajzat dhe gratë në politikat e sigurisë kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare” financuar nga Ambasada e SHBA-së në Tiranë.
Aktualisht, Lili mban postin e koordinatores lokale pranë organizatës Information Network & Active Citizenship NGO dhe gjithashtu koordinatore e projektit “Të jetuarit shëndetshëm, I’m Healthy”. Projekt i cili u organizua në kuadër të programit Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisë 2022, me mbështetjen financiare të Kongresit Rinor Kombëtar në bashkëpunim me Bashkinë Tiranë.
Kandidatja jonë quhet Samanta Haka,20 vjec dhe është studente e inxhinierisë së mjedisit.Në këtë biografi do t’ju përshkruajmë pak nga angazhimi i saj dhe përkushtimin ndaj kësaj fushe.Përfshirjet e para të saj kanë nisur në moshën 16 vjecare duke u aktivizuar fillimisht në Këshillin Rinor të qytetit për dy vite rradhazi në rolin e lideres së grupit e më pas lidere e bordit të mjedisit,sportit dhe kulturës.Pas mbylljes së këtij cikli ,dëshira dhe pasioni i saj për fushën e lidershpit,aktivizmit dhe vullnetarizmit ishte rritur.Ka marr pjesë në trajnime me tematika të ndryshme duke u afruar dhe informuar më tepër në këtë fushë.Me një rol aktiv ka qenë pjesë e skuadrës së “Woman Center for Democracy and Culture”,Elbasan ku është marrë kryesisht me rolin e gruas në shoqëri dhe diskriminimin ndaj tyre.Pjesë e trajnimeve me tematika dhe metodologji nga më të ndryshme duke e bërë kështu më të gjerë angazhimin e saj.Gjatë këtyre viteve është njohur dhe me skuadrën e “Perspektivën”,ku me përkushtimin dhe dëshirën e saj është një vlerë e shtuar në skuadër.Samanta është angazhuar në rolin e trajneres prej 1 viti e gjysmë në aktivitete dhe trajnime si :”Equal Rights”,”Active Artivist”,Countering Hate Speech”,”Say No to Discrimination” etj. Përfshirja e saj në të tilla aktivitete ka qenë dhe jashtë vendit në shkëmbime rinore,trajnim për trajnerë në tematika si “Media Literacy”, “Hate Speech and Fake News in media”, “Karl Popper Debate” ,Balancing two worlds:Online and Offline” ,Swiss Federal Youth Session” etj.Andaj mendojmë që eksperienca e saj,vullneti,aftësia për të punuar në grup,vendosmëria dhe korrektësia përbëjnë një kandidaturë të denjë për KRK.
Une, Mirson Disha kam lindur më 08 Prill 2003 në Shqipëri në qytetin e Shkodrës. Në moshën 6 vjeçare fillova Shkollën Artistike “Prenke Jakova”, Shkodër, për nëntë vite (6- 14 vjeç) studiova në instrumentin e Violonçelit, në shkollën e mesme u diplomova në instrumentin e Bastubes. Në vitin 2018 u bera vullnetarë i Qendrës Rinore “Atelie”, Bashkia Shkodër, ku zhvillova njohuritë e mija me avtivitetet dhe organizatat rinore dhe vazhdoj te jemë akoma pjesë e këtij institucioni. Gjatë kësaj kohe më është dhënë mundesia të marr pjesë ne trajnime dhe workshope me organizata të ndryshme si: Terre des hommes, Save the Children, UNICEF Albania, PVN, World Vision etj. Gjithashtu kam qenë pjesë në ERASMUS+ në Velenje, Slloveni.
Fillova aktivitetin e punës në vitin 2019 në Orkestrën Frymore të Shkodrës, Bashkia Shkodër si Bastube e parë dhe vazhdoj të jem pjesë. Marr pjesë në koncerte të rëndësishme kombëtare duke filluar që në Shkodër, Lezhë, Tiranë gjithashtu dhe ndërkombëtare si Kosova, Mali I zi, Serbia dhe Maqedonia. Në gushtin e 2021 – 2022 në Shkodër zhvillohet Shkodra Jazz Festival/“Rrok Academy” ku punësohem si koordinator i klasës Jazz dhe ndërmjetës për Bashkinë Shkodër dhe Shoqatës Kulturore “Rrok Jakaj” (oragnizatoret e eventit). Në vitin 2022 punësohëm si koordinator lokal dhe ekspert rinor në projektin BIBLIOTECH të financuar nga UNICEF në marveshje me Bashkinë Shkodër ku vazhdoj të jemë akoma.
Leons Hasani ka përfunduar studimet e larta në Universitetin Bujqësor të Tiranës, Fakulteti Ekonomisë dhe Agrobiznesit në profilin “Ekonomi dhe Politikat e Zhvillimit Rural”, Bachelor dhe Master Shkenor. Ai ka ndjekur një sërë specializimesh pasuniversitare në shtetin e Suedisë, Austrisë dhe Danimarkës në fushën e “zhvillimit të ekonomisë së qëndrueshme dhe mbrojtjes së mjedisit”.
Leons Hasani ka një angazhim të hershëm në shoqërinë civile, prej vitit 2012 si aktivist dhe përfaqësues i disa organizatave rinore (Student Economic Forum, Albanian Young Leaders Forum dhe Fondacioni Davidi).
Aktualisht punon si pedagog pranë Universitetit Bujqësor të Tiranës dhe Universiteti
“Aleksander Moisiu” Durrës. Gjithashtu ai është ideator dhe moderator i emisionit “YourStory” në Club TV dhe Radio 1.
Përgjatë viteve të angazhimit të tij në shoqërinë civile ai shënon realizimin e qindra aktiviteteve dhe projekteve me të rinjtë dhe studentët. Veçojmë këtu Akademinë e Lidershipit, Forumin Kombëtar të Studentëve, Akademinë e Ekonomistëve të Rinj, Akademinë e Juristëve të Rinj dhe Agro-Academy.
Paula Mehmetukaj is the Event Coordinator for the Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Paula worked as a marketing manager, where she was officer for overseeing general and day-to-day marketing plans, as well as third-party relations manager.
Since 2019, Paula has been engaged in the field of management, innovation and marketing in various European organizations and projects. She holds a Master of Science in Business Administration specializing in international business.
Paula is also an activist in various social issues for the elderly, as well as the protection of the rights of women and children.
Lori Nikolla is the assistant for the Tirana European Capital of Youth EYC 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Lori served as an assistant in the Ministry of Education.
Since 2018, Lori has been engaged at the Ministry of Education in the cabinet of the Minister and then held the role of Assistant to the Deputy Minister.
She graduated in Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana.
Lori has excellent organizational skills and is constantly engaged with translations.
Juljana Gjokutaj is Administrative and Protocol Manager for the program “Tirana – European Youth Capital 2022” (EYC) at the National Youth Congress.
Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Juliana worked in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection as well as in the former Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, in the position of Assistant to the Deputy Minister for about 15 years.
Previously, Juliana was also important as a Social Coordinator near the SOS village, responsible for organizing fun activities for children, as well as their rehabilitation at the center and ensuring the smooth running of the school.She has a degree in History with a specialization in archives.
So is recording in evidence, classification of data, documents of documents as well as automation of archives.
Juliana focuses on her interests and advocacy for groups in need, the abilities of people with different abilities and from crime community services.
Juna Laci is in charge of Finance for the Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Juna worked in the General Directorate of Public Works, Municipality of Tirana, where she was engaged in monitoring and reporting the different strategies of the respective enterprises, to increase the quality of maintenance services in the centers and social and educational institutions.
Since 2010, with her 7-year experience, Juna has been engaged in the field of Finance in various national companies or with international partners as well as in various NGOs.
He completed his higher studies at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics in 2010, Business Management branch. He then completed a Professional Postgraduate Master in Urban Development at POLIS University in collaboration with Erasmus University Netherlands, Housing and Land Development.
Hysen Zyberaj is Finance Manager in the Program “Tirana European Capital of Youth 2022” (EYC 2022), at the National Youth Congress of Albania. He graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Economics, profile Finance-Accounting and also holds a Master of Science in Policy and Administration – Financial Administration Profile, Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences.
Since 2006, he has worked in various private companies as an accountant and financial officer. In 2010 he was certified as a “Certified Accountant”, and since 2012 he has been a Certified Accountant at his job center.
He has also completed all the necessary training and obligations to obtain the title of “Legal Auditor”, and is currently in the process of obtaining this title. He has engaged in many trainings in the field of accounting and finance.
From January 2021 onwards, he is part of the Public Financial Inspectors in the Ministry of Finance – external expert.
Mariza Rama is the officer of research, monitoring and evaluation for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Mariza worked in the secretariat department of the National Youth Congress of Albania, where she was the coordinator of various projects focusing on youth and their integration in decision-making and local policies, as well as a local coordinator for the city of Kamza for about 2 years now.
Since 2016, Mariza has been engaged in civil society as an active part of the trainings focused on local and central policies, communication and research in various organizations and institutions in Albania and Italy.
She holds a Master of Science in Faculty of Law, focusing on Private Law and Business from the European University of Tirana.
Mariza is also part of the Friedrich Ebert Sitftung Tirana’s coaching staff for central and local policy.
Dikensa Topi is the Monitoring and Valuation Manager (M&V) for the program “Tirana – European Youth Capital 2022” (EYC) affiliated to National Youth Congress. Before becoming part of the team TEYC 2022 Dikensa worked in the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth where she held the position of Director of Politics and Strategies of Education Development of Education, Sports and Youth and the position of the Officer of Monitoring, Statistics and Feasibility of Priorities.
Earlier on the held the position of youth policies specialist in the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth (MSWY) where Dikensa was creator and founder of The National Program of Work Practices In Public Administration.
Since 2014, Dikensa has had a main focus on the development of the expertise in M&V field and has been and outside lector for five years in the University of Tirana.
She has a BA in Political Sciences and A Master of Science in Political Theories from the University of Tirana where she was awarded with a gold medal for exceptional results. She earned a Master of Science for “German and French Philosophy in the European Space” a common degree given by the University of Luxembourg, University of Toulouse II “Le Mirail” and the Catholic University of Leuven, supported with a scholarship Erasmus Mundus from European Commission.
Krista Shehaj is the Head of Social Networks for the Tirana European Capital of Youth (EYC) 2022 program. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Krista worked at the Council of Ministers as a lawyer and then at the Ministry of Diaspora, near the Albanian Development Fund.
Since 2019 Krista has worked as a consultant for social media and marketing strategies at two private companies.
Krista is also a judge and a member of the Technical Commission of the Albanian Taekwondo Federation.
She holds a Master of Criminal Science from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana and has completed specializations in the field of marketing and social media.
Krista is engaged in voluntary social activities for environmental protection as well as in the areas of European governance, human rights protection and environmental policies.
Dea Elmasllari is the Manager of Public Relations and Marketing for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC2022), for National Youth Congress. Before joining the team Tirana EYC 2022, Dea worked in the communications department in the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), where she was officer for the implementation of communication strategies and promotional activities for the Western Balkans region.
Since 2013, Dea has been engaged in the communication and research field in different organizations and institutions in Albania and Germany.
She is graded with a Master of Science in Politics, Economy and Philosophy from the University of Hamburg in Germany and has a B.A in Political Sciences and International Relationships from Epoca University in Albania, where she afterwards joined the department as a lecturer in Political Philosophy.
Dea is also an independent researcher in the fields of global governing, European politics, peace, security and youth. In 2022 she was awarded with the scholarship UNODA-OSBE for Peace and Security for young professionals.
Irena Topalli is the Manager of International Relationships for the program EYC2022 near National Youth Congress in Albania.
With more than 17 years of experience in the civil society, Ira has held the position of the Program Manager in Beyond Barriers Organization, with a main focus in the development of work with young people, youth policies and strategic cooperation programs and projects with the Balkans and Europe.
Over the years she has been an active part and has contributed to important national and international developments of improving youth policies, volunteering, working with young people, participation, cultural diversity, etc. Ira is also an expert on the Erasmus + Youth, Europe for Citizens and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programs and has been a member of the SALTO SEE Coaching and Accreditation Team for 9 years.
At the same time, Ira is an expert of the SEEYN regional network, where she previously held the position of President and member of the Board of Directors.
Ira studied Law and specializes as a trainer in human rights education. Over the years she has designed, led, managed and moderated more than 100 events, trainings and conferences for different institutions as the European Commission, Council of Europe, RYCO, OSBE, WBF, TACSO, FES, KCSF, etc.
Jehona Varfi is the Coordinator for the program “Youth creates Culture” within the title Tirana European Youth Capital (TEYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
She has been part of the public administration in the field of project management for art, culture, cultural heritage and youth. Since 2010, Jehona has been part of the coordination of government policies in the field of youth with the programs of international organizations and donors, as well as various programs of European institutions and project management with donors.
She is a member and representative for Albania in the Steering Committee for Youth Policy of the Council of Europe, as well as a member of the Committee of Youth Programs of the Council of Europe. Within these functions, Jehona has also been the national coordinator of the “No to Hate Speech” campaign.
In terms of education, Jehona graduated in the field of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Prishtina and a master’s degree in “Folk Architecture of Himara”. He has also been awarded a scholarship from the University of Vienna, Austria for one semester.
In the field of cultural heritage, Jehona is the manager of virtual tours such as “Gjirokastra Castle” and “Rozafa Castle”.
Aspasjana Kongo holds the position of CEO – General Coordinator of “Tirana European Youth Capital 2022”, since 15 November 2021. She has held earlier the position of Deputy Minister of Youth Matters in the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. Some of her duties included the developing of youth policies in a national rank. Her professional built has started in the civil society sector with a main focus on youth policies. Before her engagement in the governing sector, Ms Kongo was part of Youth Organizations.
She started her career in the public sector by working as a project coordinator in the Youth Center of Tirana affiliated to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth in 2015. From the February of 2016 and until her appointment as a Deputy Minister in MOESY in June 2020, she was part of the Municipality of Tirana as a Youth Director.
Ms.Kongo has a degree in Political Sciences, in bachelor level, and completed two Master degrees, one in Intercultural Communication and one in European Governing Politics. She also has more than ten years of experience as a developer of Youth Policies in Albania.
Ergys Gezka covers the position of the Program Manager for Tirana European Youth Capital 2022, implemented by National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality Of Tirana.
Mr Gezka has a managerial profile and during the last 12 years he has lead and coordinated a considerable number of national and regional projects, and experience that managed to engage him in different socio-cultural, infrastructural, cooperation and development programs and projects in the area of education and youth development.
During his career, often finding himself in the role of consultant in different ministries and municipalities, in Italy and Albania, by knowing in the inside the dynamics of local and central governing and also in the sector of organizations of the civil society where he was noted for his inter-sectorial and coordinating abilities.
Mr. Gezka is also a good connoisseur of the process of European Integration and he has knowledge in the writing of European projects and gives constant contribution in the compilation and implementation of strategies and development of youth policies.
He completed his studies in Italy, in Language and Literature and Journalism and specialized in Poland and Belgium in developing and management of Human Resources. His desire to be close to the youth and civil society has been marked by his deepened experiences between Italy and Albania related to migration and collective remembrance.
Klajdi Priska is Policy Officer at the National Youth Congress and Program Coordinator for the program “Youth makes creative economy and innovation”, within Tirana, the European Youth Capital 2022 at the National Youth Congress.
Mr. Priska has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and graduated in professional courses in economic and political sciences. He attended Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Tirana. Part of his education is also a series of informal lessons in the Erasmus + program along with seminars and other international conferences.
He previously worked in the Albanian Parliament in cooperation with NDI, assisting MPs in administrative and public affairs. He was moderator for numerous foundations including UN agencies and has served as a project coordinator / assistant at international foundations. He has been part of youth policy-making groups and has acted as foreign relations coordinator in Albanian youth political forums. Throughout his career, he has been engaged in capacity building and has been a volunteer in Civil Society continuously and has worked with CSOs to promote their activities.
Currently Mr. Priska works as a Policy Officer in the National Youth Congress of Albania, organizing meetings of stakeholders, documenting and following important actions and decisions and developing project strategies as well as undertaking project tasks as needed, as well as maintaining and further developed international relations.
He also acts as the project coordinator for “Youth and Elections 2021 RinVote” later known as “RinON part of the RinVote Series” in close collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and EuroNeës Albania. At all times, the work is in line with personal, national and European values.
Shila Parllaku is the coordinator of the program “Young people are European” for Tirana, the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Since 2019, Shila has worked as a communications officer at the National Youth Congress and project coordinator in the 3-year program supported by the German Hanns Seidel Foundation.
For 3 years now, she has contributed to various youth projects and forums, where involvement has been mainly in projects with a focus; youth empowerment, the European dimension, the process of integration into the European Union, and capacity building in several contexts such as local, national, regional and European.
She studied Administration and Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana. Her work and experience have had a positive impact and contribution to the journey as a youth activist.
Bled Iljazi is a political strategist, community organizer, a very skilled internet entrepreneur and an activist with a wide range of experience abroad, from superior fundraising, organizing campaigns, media consulting to developing community projects, systems communication and human rights.
He has advocated through political lobbying or civil society organizations on issues related to corruption, public affairs, education reforms, electoral systems, labor rights, health care, climate change and immigration, as well as same-sex marriages. family planning and minorities.
It most often focuses on legislators or members of regulatory agencies in efforts to promote, hinder, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reforms to influence key decision-makers on critical issues.
Iljazi attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Tirana and graduated with honors in jurisprudence.
Enkeleda Pjetri is the Coordinator of Youth Eco – Health for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Enkeleda is a Forest Engineer and holds an International Master in Forest Policy and Economics and has also participated in a Leadership fellowship in the USA.
The profile he has formed in the last 15 years has seen him support important programs and projects at the regional level related to environmental issues and the green economy, as well as constantly engaged in civil society, as a participant and trainer in various formative, national, regional and international.
Her experience has started with civil society since 2009, and then from 2016 until recently in an international construction project implemented in our country, where she held the role of expert in monitoring social issues and relations with the community. stakeholders and then that of forest engineer in the management and supervision of reforestation projects.
Dritan Sakuta is the coordinator for Youth and Diversity in the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. In the years 2017 – 2018, he also held the role of President at the National Youth Congress.
His activity started in 2015, initially as a volunteer in the LIBURNETIC Organization and then in the field of project management and various youth programs. Today he is also a member of the National Council of Civil Society in Albania.
Dritan graduated in Jurisprudence at the Mediterranean University of Albania. This area has helped to deepen more in non-formal education and Human Rights. He has coached a considerable number of youth-focused projects and current topics of concern to the youth sector.
His experience with these projects includes fields such as art and culture, culture of debate, Human Rights, bullying, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, volunteering and others. All these projects have created the opportunity for Dritan to be in constant contact with various target groups of young people which make the role of Coordinator for Youth and Diversity suitable for him.
Stelina Ndreu ka mbaruar studimet në ciklin Bachelor për Gjuhë Angleze dhe tani po ndjek studimet në Master për Mësimdhënie të Gjuhës Angleze në Universitetin e Tiranës. Ajo është Kryetare e Këshillit Studentor të Fakultetit të Gjuhëve të Huaja dhe ka luajtur një rol të rëndësishëm në aktivizimin e studentëve në shoqëri nëpërmjet projekteve të ndryshme me fokus jetën social-kulturore dhe akademike. Gjithashtu, ajo ka marrë pjesë në një sërë trajnimesh dhe projektesh për komunikim, politika rajonale të Ballkanit Perëndimor dhe marrëdhënie diplomatike.
Dafina Peci is the Executive Director of National Youth Congress of Albania since 2016, where she earlier, for two years in a row, held the position of the president.
Dafina graduated with a bachelor degree in Political Sciences and International Relations and a Master of Sciences in Regional Politics and Safety. After her graduation, she also completed a post graduate practice in the Security after Conflict, Building Peace and Intermediation Institutions.
Since 2017, Dafina is academically engaged as a professor in the Department of Political Sciences in the University of Tirana.
One of the most prominent steps of her work in the youth sector has been her involvement in the Work Group for the creation of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) representing this way Albania for three years in the Directory Board of this structure.
Arsimimi: Diplomë Bachelor Marketing dhe Menaxhim Finaciar Uniniversiteti Nderkombetar i Struges
Master ne Kontabilitet dhe Raportim Financiar, pran Universitetit Europian i Tiranes
Eksperiencat: Angazhimi im si vullnetare pran Shoqates Ekspertet e Rinj Mjedisor (SHERM Albania) eshte qe nga viti 2016 e ne vazhdim, Duke dhe nje kontribut te suksesshem prane kesaj NGO me zhvillimin e aktiviteteve ne terren u be e mundur qe stafi i SHERM te me perzgjedhe dhe punesoj si Koordinatore Projektesh, qe nga viti 2018 e deri me sot. Puna ime prane kesaj shoqata ka pasur rezultatet e saj te perkthyera ne ndryshime bashke me komunitetit, per forcimin e kapaciteteve, edukimin qyteter, sensibilizim/ ndergjegjesim per mbrojtjen e mjedisit, angazhimin dhe nxitja e tyre per tu bere pjese e vendimarrjes mjedisore duke kerkuar llogari dhe transparenc, organizimi ne grupe per marrjen pjese ne mledhjet e keshillit bashkiak. Se fundemi jam angazhuar si eksperte lokale per Hartimin e Planit Lokal te Veprimit per Rinine ne Bashkine Diber 2020-2023.
Duke qene nje ze i fuqishem ne komunitetin ku un jetoj vendosa te kandidoj per Anetar Bordi prane Kongresit Rinor Kombetar per te perfaqesuar zerin e te rinjeve ne Qarkun Diber, per problemet qe ne hasim gjate dites si nga mungesa e transparences, perfaqesimit ne keshillin bashkiak, mungesa e qendres rinor etj, per te lobuar prane pushtetit vendor per zgjdhjen e tyre.
Violeta Tici is a specialist in political science and law and specializes in social psychology and communication. She has been active and part of civil society since 1996. She has been the leader of the Social Club association since 1999 and part of numerous civil society networks over the years, as a member of the network of the Albanian Youth Parliament, the Albanian Youth Council, the Youth Congress National, Regional Network of Associations of the Korça Region, Network of Women’s Associations, Resolution 1325, etc.
She has also been part of the public administration and Head of the Training-Qualification Sector in the Korça Regional Education Directorate. Violeta Tici is the author & co-author of several study texts.
Since 2018, Violeta holds the role of local coordinator of Korça, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Violeta has been trained and has participated in many meetings, trainings organized by the National Youth Congress, supported by FES. He has also been active in important discussions and advocacy as part of Congress on youth law, volunteerism, etc.
Sanije (Haxhihyseni) Fatko graduated in Natural Sciences, Department of Biology-Chemistry, specializing in Biology. He then graduated in Humanities, Law, law. In 2008 – 2009 he completed his studies at the Albanian Political School, master level in political science.
For a period of 20 years he has contributed to teaching in general secondary schools and at the University “A Xhuvani” in Elbasan.
She has contributed to the Public Administration at the local level in leading positions as Chief of Cabinet of the Mayor of Elbasan, Director of the Directorate of Properties and Tenders in the Municipality of Elbasan, Legal Director in the Legal Office of the Elbasan Region.
Sanije has stood out for her contribution to Civil Society since 1999 in defending the rights of women, children and especially young people. She is the leader and the most active person from the beginning and throughout the activity of the local association “For the psycho-social and cultural development of children and youth.” It is part of networks such as the Albanian Youth Council, Youth Parliament, Resolution 1325, National Youth Congress, etc..
Since 2018, Sanije holds the role of local coordinator of Elbasan, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Saniela Xhaferi graduated from the University of Tirana, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, in Political Science / Political Theory during the period 2007-2012, “Bachelor” and “Master of Science” cycles. Currently, he is awaiting receiving the degree of “Doctor of Science” in Political Science.
Saniela has been a lecturer / lecturer at the University College “Independence Vlora” since 2013 onwards. Also, since 2013 he is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana. She is known in the academic world by participating in various conferences and has published a number of academic papers in scientific journals. Her research interests focus on political science, political economy, public administration, research methods and governance systems in European countries. Since 2018, Saniela Xhaferi holds the role of local coordinator of Vlora, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Merita Brati graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences, in the field of Social Work.
Since 1998 she has worked as a technical consultant for the establishment of the student government in the gymnasium “Havzi Nela” and in the 9-year school “Riza Spahiu” Kukës.
From 2000-2010 she is part of Troç and for 7 years coordinator of the Kukës Regional Youth Council and also coordinator of the Vore Youth Platform.
A civil society activist with a focus on youth and capacity building, Merita holds the role of local coordinator in Kukës since 2018, a project implemented by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Mariza Rama graduated from the European University of Tirana at the Faculty of Law in 2019. She then continued the cycle of Master of Science studies in “Private Law and Business” at the European University of Tirana.
In addition to various work experiences, Mariza has been actively engaged for about 5 years. The passion for lobbying for various social issues, and the desire to contribute to their improvement in the city of Kamza, has led me to participate in various trainings, mainly related to local government, legal approach, culture, and youth.
2020 was the first year of Mariza as local coordinator of Kamza, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level of three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Majlinda Toma graduated from the University of Shkodra at the Faculty of Education Sciences in the branch of Psychology, then continued Professional Master Studies in Counselling Psychology at the University of Tirana, at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Since 2008 she has worked as a school psychologist at the Gymnasium “Hydajet Lezha” in Lezha as well as a civil society activist where she has given a relatively long contribution.
Good organizational skills, relatively long experience in working with young people and a positive approach to them are some of the characteristics of Majlinda, who holds the role of local coordinator of Lezha, in the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Mr. Dorjan Meraj has been active in civil society for more than 10 years as an activist in the environmental protection and environmental issues, volunteer in various initiatives, project management, trainer in capacity building, etc. He has a degree in economics and has attended a series of trainings and capacity building programs conducted by the EU, TACSO, AICS.
Dorjan has given his contribution and consultancy to some of the main organizations in the south of Albania such as Cesvi, Vjosa Explorer, MUP, Convivumi Slow Food Përmet and is currently engaged in the function of Local Coordinator for the National Youth Congress in the implementation of Local Youth Action Plans and Youth Employment Master Plans in Përmet Municipality. He knows very well the situation and youth issues in the country and is fluent in foreign languages English and Italian.
Enxhi Lipa holds a degree in Political Science and International Relations from Epoka University. She is a civil society activist since 2015 engaged mainly in the fields of active citizenship, environment, volunteerism, gender equality and youth policies.
Passionate about youth and policy making, she has completed several internships in local and national institutions such as the municipality of Durrës and the Albanian Parliament with the aim of representing the youth and transmitting the voice of young people to those who have the right mechanisms to improve the lives of citizens and especially the youth.
Since 2020, Enxhi is the local coordinator of the city of Tirana, giving her contribution to the construction of the Employment Master Plan for the Municipality of Tirana, a project implemented by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation. Together with Enxhi Lipa, we have a lot of work and other initiatures, many activities in cooperation with FES, with the Municipality and active local youth organizations and initiatives.
Marina Viktoria Hysenji graduated from the University of Tirana, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages for French Civilization and Civilization and then continued her Master of Science studies for teachers. In 2018-2019 he continued his professional master studies for “Conflict Resolution and Disputes through Mediation”, at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
In addition to work experiences as an activist at several associations in Fier, she has conducted a series of trainings on various topics and different fields.
Since 2018, Marina holds the role of local coordinator of Roskovec, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation. Practicality at work, communication with others, good organization, achievement of objectives and correctness are what characterize the Navy. For this reason, our cooperation will continue to bear fruit in other initiatives and activities that await us.
Engjell Gjugja was born on December 1, 1989 in the city of Gjakova, in the Republic of Kosovo. He completed primary and secondary school in the city of Gjakova, while he completed his university studies at the Papal Salesian University in Rome, Faculty of Philosophy.
He has been engaged as a professor of Philosophy / Ethics at the non-public Gymnasium “Maria Ndihmtare” in Shkodra. The desire and dedication to work with young people served as a springboard for his employment in various organizations who implemented projects with a focus on this target group.
Experience inside and outside the country influenced the improvement of services of public and non-public institutions through innovations that created a welcoming climate for the youth of the city.
He has been the president of the National Youth Congress and currently works at the Municipality of Shkodra as a coordinator of the Atelie Youth Center, under the administration of the Municipality of Shkodra.
Since 2018, Engjelli holds the role of local coordinator of Shkodra, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.
Enxhi is a graduate of Political Science and International Relations at Epoka University. She is an activist of civil society since 2015 engaged mostly in the areas of: active citizenship, environment, volunteering, gender equality and youth policies. She is competent in two languages: English and Italian.
Passionate about youth and policy-making she has completed several internships in local and national institutions such as: Durres municipality and Albanian Parliament with the aim to represent youth and transmit the youth voice near the ones who have the right mechanisms to improve the life of citizens and especially of youth. Enxhi is engaged in several projects that have to do mainly with: EU integration process, regional connectivity, advocacy and youth. She states that a better country can be done if we decide to do so and that results will be more visible if we are more in number.
Mr. Priska holds a bachelor’s in computer science and holds diplomas on several professional courses in economics and political sciences. Part of his education is also a series of non-formal learning means in Erasmus+ programme along with international seminars and conferences.
Previously he has worked in the Albanian Parliament in collaboration with the NDI, assisting MP’s on administrative and public work. He has worked as a moderator for multiple foundations including UN agencies, and assisting projects part of the international foundations. He has been part of policy making groups in youth employment and education and acted as foreign affairs coordinator in Albanian political youth forums.
In his career, he has engaged in numerous capacity building processes (trainings and holding workshops around Europe). He has volunteered in the Civil Society continuously and worked with CSO’s to promote their activities on increasing youth engagement and empowerment, social security and amongst other things better educational system and inclusive labor market.
Currently he works as Policy and Advocacy Officer at the National Youth Congress of Albania, organizing and attending in stakeholders’ meetings, documenting, and following up with important actions and decisions from the meetings, and developing project strategies as well as undertaking project tasks as required. At all times, the work is aligned with personal, national, and European values.
Shila Parllaku holds a Bachelor degree in Administration and Social Policy at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences. She holds the position of the Communication Officer for the National Youth Congress of Albania, and the position of the Assistant Project Coordinator for the program with the German Foundation Hanns Seidel. As a Communication Officer she is responsible for assisting in the communications strategy, updating and maintain the social media accounts of NYC. As the Assistant Project Coordinator of German Foundation Hanns Seidel project, she is responsible for the implementation of the activities in the framework of the program.
She has been part of the organization for two years contributing to various youth projects and forums. She has been part of many workshops organized from Friedrich Ebert Stifung, participated in OFAJ/DFJW – Franco-German Youth Office youth exchange program, holding the position of the program coordination for the exchange, also participated in the International PRTR week, organized by UNECE and OECD in cooperation with UNITAR and UNEP. She held the position of coordinator for the 7th General Assembly of the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Elio continues his IT studies at Alexander Xhuvani University and works as a freelance web developing. For 4 years he has been engaged in the activities and initiatives of the Elbasan Youth Council and also The Association “For the psycho-social and cultural development of children and youth” which aims at the psycho-social and cultural development of children and youth through concrete educational, socio-cultural activities, through their dignified integration into Albanian society, through the protection and development of children and youth rights, through awareness raising, lobbying and advocacy for the rights of children and youth.
Arjana has completed her studies in Finance, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana. She has been part of the New Bridges NGO for several years as an activist and project coordinator. New Bridges organisation aims to empower the community to participate in economic and social life through awareness, education, community initiatives and advocacy programs.
Alexandros continues his studies in the US as one of the 20 Finalists of the YES Program. For years he has been engaged as a civil society activist in the organization Kucove Youth Center. Youth activism is one of his greatest passions. The Youth Center in Kuçova is a youth institution for young people. It aims to prepare them for life, give them opportunities for development and offer them free time.
Eva holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Financial Management at the International University of Struga. and a master’s in accounting and financial reporting, at the European University of Tirana. She has been engaged as a volunteer at the Association of Young Environmental Experts (SHERM Albania) since 2016 onwards. The purpose of SHERM is the protection of the living environment, the creation of a comprehensive economy that can determine the problems of environmental pollution.
Board Member. Klea currently attends the bachelor level in Computer Science at the University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora. She is an activist and youth coordinator in the organization TPA Center (Thinking, Planning and Acting Center). The activities of TPA Center aim at studies, conferences, trainings, seminars, publications, and any other activity in order to achieve the purpose of the organization.
Mario Prendi holds a BA in Law from the European University of Tirana and a master’s degree with honours on Scientific Criminal Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. Currently Mario holds the position of the Junior Legal Officer in the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, an intergovernmental organization focused on facilitating and enhancing the reconciliation, collaboration and interconnectedness process of youth residing in WB6. The organization he represents is the Youth Center “Atelie”, which is a public service of the Municipality of Shkodra dedicated to youth and has a place in the network of Community Centers “For the Family”, under the management of the Directorate of Social Services, Housing and Public Health.
Greta Topjana holds a master’s degree in Political Science and Integration from the University of Salzburg, Austria and during her Bachelor was an Erasmus student in Italy.
She is a journalist and news anchor at Euronews Albania and in her career was engaged in numerous trainings and projects with a focus on communication, human rights and regional policies on the Western Balkans. Since 2020 Greta holds the position of the National Coordinator for Institute of the Regions of Europe. Also, she has been engaged at the Albanian Volunteer Network Center, a non-profit organization which It’s main purpose is to promote the benefits of volunteering in society and it has a focus on the protection of human rights.
Engjell Gjugja was born on December 1, 1989 in the city of Gjakova, in the Republic of Kosovo. He completed primary and secondary school in the city of Gjakova, while he completed his university studies at the Papal Salesian University in Rome, Faculty of Philosophy.
He has been engaged as a professor of Philosophy / Ethics at the non-public Gymnasium “Maria Ndihmtare” in Shkodra. The desire and dedication to work with young people served as a springboard for his employment in various organizations who implemented projects with a focus on this target group.
Experience inside and outside the country influenced the improvement of services of public and non-public institutions through innovations that created a welcoming climate for the youth of the city.
He has been the president of the National Youth Congress and currently works at the Municipality of Shkodra as a coordinator of the Atelie Youth Center, under the administration of the Municipality of Shkodra.
Since 2018, Engjelli holds the role of local coordinator of Shkodra, within the program dedicated to youth policies at the local level for three years developed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana Foundation.