“Let’s act together on shaping the local and central youth policy through structured dialog”
In March 2017, with the support of two German Foundations, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, we started the project based on the signed Youth Resolution. The aim of this project us to bring together active youngsters in local level from political party youth wings and civil society in all the 12 regions of the country.
Divided in five groups, they worked according to 5 relevant issues: 1. Educational System, 2.Youth Unemployment, 3.Social Security, 4. EU Integration, 5. Public Space for Youngsters, also identified in the resolution. Facilitated by local experts, youngsters addressed their problems and propose potential solutions to the candidates for the 2017 Parliamentary Elections.
During May and June, local groups oriented and coordinated from NYC monitored the electoral campaign and the work of electoral headquarters. We prepared a report per each region on the inclusion of the proposed matters from the youngsters in the rhetoric and political platforms of the candidates.
With this report finished and all political party wings included in this process we prepared a common policy paper with the aim to establish youth issues as part of the agenda for the budget planning of 2018. It was crucial to have a specific budget allocated for all the problems, topics and solutions that the local groups addressed in the report.
On November NYC organized the second common conference to share the results of one year work and prepare the next steps.