
Laboratori Rinor i Ballkanit Perёndimor
Udhërrëfyesi Kombëtar pёr Tranzicionin e tё Rinjve nga Shkolla nё Vendin e Punёs
Ështё Koha e tё Rinjve!
Laboratori Rinor i Ballkanit Perёndimor ёshtё njё nismё 3 vjeҁare qё implementohet nga Kёshilli pёr Bashkёpunim Rajonal (RCC) me mbёshtetjen e Bashkimit Evropian (EU). Kjo iniciativё ёshtё e para nё llojin e saj nё Ballkan dhe synon tё bёjё bashkё pёrfaqёsuesit e institucioneve, shoqёrisё civile dhe aktorёt e tjerё të përshtatshëm nё krijimin e përbashkët të politikave publike me fokus rininё, dialogun dhe bashkёpunimin institucional. Laboratori Rinor i Ballkanit Perёndimor ёshtё njё iniciativё qё pёrfshin tё gjashta vendet e Ballkanit: Bosnja dhe Hercegovina, Shqipёria, Kosova*, Serbia, Maqedonia e Veriut dhe Mali i Zi.
Me fokus tek punёsimi rinor, kjo iniciativё ёshtё bashkёrenduar me të gjitha ministritё e linjёs dhe organizatat rinore mё pёrfaqёsues nё secilёn prej ekonomive me qёllim identifikimin dhe zgjidhjen e pёrbashkёt tё problematikave kryesore qё shqetёsojnё tё rinjtё. Nё kёtё kuadёr, qё prej Dhjetorit tё 2020, Shqipёria pёrfaqёsohet nga grupi i ekspertёve i cili pёrfshin:
- Znj. Bora Muzhaqi, Ministre e Shtetit për Rininë dhe Fëmijët,
- Z. Oltion Rrumbullaku, Zv. Ministёr pranё Ministrisё sё Arsimit dhe Sportit,
- Znj. Kleina Kasanai, Drejtoreshё e Agjencisё Kombёtare tё Rinisё,
- Znj. Enxhi Lipa, Pёrgjegjёse Hulumtimi dhe Koordinatore Projektesh tek Kongresit Rinor Kombёtar.
- Znj. Franceska Muҁo, Drejtoreshё Ekzekutive pranё Rrjetit tё Profesionistёve tё Rinj
- Znj. Marsela Delija, Anetare Bordi Drejtues, Rrjetin Kombёtar i tё Rinjve nё Shqipёri
Ky grup bashkё-kryesohet nga Znj.Bora Muzhaqi dhe Znj.Enxhi Lipa.
Nё kuadёr tё Laboratorit Rinor tё Ballkanit Perёndimor, grupi i ekspertёve pёr Shqipёrinё ka vendosur tё hartojё Udhërrëfyesin Kombëtar pёr Tranzicionin e tё Rinjve nga Shkolla nё Vendin e Punёs. Duke qenё se njё ndёr problematikat kryesore tё tё rinjve nё vend ёshtё mungesa e informacionit dhe orientimit për karrierën gjatё dhe pas pёrfundimit tё shkollёs, krijimi i njё dokumenti strategjik ёshtё i domosdoshёm. Ky dokument do tё pёrfshijё analizёn aktuale tё situatёs dhe do tё udhёzojё institucionet dhe aktorёt qё punojnё nё fushёn e edukimit dhe punёsimit rinor nё bashkёrendimin e punёs dhe krijimin e politikave tё pёrbashkёta, si dhe hartimin e njё sistemi tё dedikuar tranzicioni nga shkolla nё vendin e punёs nё Shqipёri, duke u bazuar nё praktikat e mira nё vende tё ndryshme tё Evropёs.
Nё kuadёr tё kёsaj nisme, grupi i ekspertёve ka zhvilluar njё sёrё aktivitetesh si:
- Takim Konsultues: Ky takim ёshtё mbajtur nё 22 Qershor 2021 nё Durrёs midis grupit tё ekspertёve përfaqësues të Republikës së Shqipёrisё dhe ekipit zbatues tё projektit me qёllim konsultimin e planit tё aktiviteteve, implementimin dhe vijimёsinё e kёsaj nisme nё nivel kombёtar.
- Pёrzgjedhja e grupit tё punёs nё nivel kombёtar: Ky grup pёrbёhet nga 14 pёrfaqёsues tё cilёt janё ndarё nё 3 komitete sipas fushave tё ekspertizёs. Kёto komitete janё: Komiteti me pёrfaqёsues tё institucioneve, Komiteti me pёrfaqёsues nga Organizatat Rinore dhe Studentёt dhe Komiteti i ekspertёve nё ҁёshtjet e edukimit dhe punёsimit rinor.
- Takimi Prezantues me Grupin e Punёs: Ky takim ёshtё zhvilluar nё Qershor 2021 me qёllim konsolidimin e grupit te punёs dhe njohjen me grupin e ekspertёve, si dhe me qёllimin dhe objektivat e projektit nё tёrёsi.
- Sesione Informuese me secilin prej komiteteve: Nё periudhёn Korrik-Gusht 2021 janё pёrmbyllur 3 takime informuese me secilin prej komiteteve me qёllim njohjen e metodologjisё sё nismës dhe planin e punёs nё nivel kombёtar. Metodologjia ёshtё konsultuar me secilin nga komitetet, sygjerimet dhe komentet e tё cilёve janё pasqyruar nё planin e punёs.
Nё muajt Tetor-Nёntor do tё zhvillohen takimet e rradhёs nё 7 qarqet kryesore tё vendit: Durrёs, Vlorё, Lezhё, Shkodёr, Berat, Korҁё dhe Dibёr, me qёllim identifikimin e problematikave qё lidhen me sistemin e tranzicionit nga shkolla nё vendin e punёs, identifikimin e aktorёve lokal qё operojnё nё sektorin e edukimit dhe punёsimit rinor dhe konsultimin me njё grup tё gjerё aktorёsh si: të rinj, organizata rinore, mёsues, biznese, ekspertё dhe pёrfaqёsues tё institucioneve tё pushtetit vendor. Theksohet se sugjerimet apo komentet qё lidhen me komponentin e punёsimit rinor, do tё pasqyrohen edhe nё Strategjinё e re tё Rinisё e cila ёshtё nё proces hartimi dhe konsultimi paraprak.
Pёr mё shumё informacion rreth nismёs vizitoni: Regional Cooperation Council | Western Balkans Youth Lab Project (rcc.int)
Western Balkans Youth Lab
National Youth Roadmap from School to Job Transition System
It’s Youth Time!
The Western Balkans Youth Lab is a 3-year initiative implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) with the support of the European Union (EU). This initiative is the first of its kind in the Balkans and aims to bring together representatives of institutions, civil society and other relevant actors in joint public policy-making with a focus on youth, dialogue and institutional cooperation. The Western Balkans Youth Lab involves six economies : Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo *, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro.
With a focus on youth employment, this initiative is coordinated with all line ministries and main representative youth organizations in each of the economies in order to identify and jointly address the key issues that concern young people. In this context, since December 2020, Albania is represented by a pool of experts which includes:
- Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, Minister of State for Youth and Children,
- Mr. Oltion Rrumbullaku, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Education and Sports,
- Ms. Kleina Kasanai, Director of National Agency for Youth,
- Ms. Enxhi Lipa, Research Officer and Project Coordinator at National Youth Congress of Albania,
- Ms. Franceska Muҁo, Executive Director at Young Professionals Network
- Ms. Marsela Delija, Board Member, Albanian National Youth Network of Albania
This group is co-chaired by Ms. Bora Muzhaqi and Ms. Enxhi Lipa.
In the framework of the Western Balkans Youth Lab, the pool of experts for Albania has decided to design the National Youth Roadmap from School to Job Transition System. Given that one of the main problems of young people in the country is the lack of information and career guidance during and after school, the creation of a strategic document is necessary. This document will include the current analysis of the situation and will guide institutions and actors working in the field of education and youth employment to coordinate their work and create common policies, as well as design a system of transition from school to job place.
In the framework of this initiative, the pool of experts has implemented several activities:
- Consultation Meeting: This meeting was held on 22 June 2021 in Durrës between the Pool of Experts of the Republic of Albania and the project implementation team in order to consult the plan of activities, implementation and follow-up of this initiative at the national level.
- Selection of the working group at national level: This group consists of 14 representatives who are divided into 3 committees according to the areas of expertise. These committees are: Governmental Committee, Youth and Students Committee and External Experts Committee.
- Introductory Meeting with the Working Group: This meeting was held in June 2021 in order to consolidate the working group and introduce them with the pool of experts, as well as the purpose and objectives of the project in general.
- Information sessions with each of the committees: In the period July-August 2021, 3 information sessions were concluded with each of the committees in order to introduce them the methodology of the initiative and the working plan at the national level. The methodology was consulted with each of the committees, whose suggestions and comments are reflected in the work plan.
In the months of October-November, the next meetings will be held in the 7 main regions of the country: Durrёs, Vlorё, Lezhё, Shkodёr, Berat, Korҁё dhe Dibёr in order to identify issues related to the transition system from school to work, mapp local actors operating in the education and youth employment sector and consult it with a wide range of actors such as: youngsters, youth organizations, teachers, businesses, experts and representatives of local government institutions. A fact to be highlightes is that the suggestions or comments related to the youth employment component will be reflected in the new Youth Strategy which is in the process of drafting and prior consultation.
For more information about the initiative visit: Regional Cooperation Council | Western Balkans Youth Lab Project (rcc.int)





