What Is NYC

National Youth Congress (NYC) is a youth umbrella organization – a union of youth organizations, informal groups, youth forums of political parties, with the aim of exchanging information, highlighting youth issues, lobbying and advocating for solving these issues and the provision of capacity building for all entities involved in the network. NYC was established in March 2013 in Tirana, in the presence of over 30 organizations at the national level. This network was initiated with the initiative of two foreign foundations: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Olof Palme International.

About NYC Albania

The National Youth Congress (NYC) is a youth umbrella organization lobbying and advocating for solving these issues and the provision of capacity building for all entities involved in the network. Established in March 2013 in Tirana, in the presence of over 30 organizations at the national level, this network was initiated with the initiative of two foreign foundations: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Olof Palme International.

Currently, NYC cooperates with three German Foundations, in three dimensions related to youth. Together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, as well as Swiss Embassy, NYC focuses on Institutional Dialogue and Cooperation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung project focuses on Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, and the collaboration with the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung is focused on Political Education. Furthermore, NYC has developed a strong bond with five other National Youth Structures in Western Balkan region through the Cooperation and Development Institute and Western Balkan Youth Cooperation Platform.

One of the remarkable achievements of 2019 is the endorsement with the title Tirana European Youth Capital 2022, given by European Youth Forum, that NYC Albania jointly with the Municipality of Tirana implemented throughout 2022. Within this macro-program, a dedicated and diverse program that involved activities in the cultural realm, youth capacities, arts, youth spaces, and international cooperation was led with and by youth.

NYC Albania represents the interests of young people in Albania, regardless of their socio-economic position, gender, race, ethnic and cultural background, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other form of difference
Our mission is to mobilize youth organizations and to strengthen the role of youth in society. Young people across Albania will have a common voice to advocate and lobby on issues that affect them.

TOPICS that NYC works on:

  • Volunteering in Albania
  • Youth employment
  • Formal & informal education
  • European dimension and youth perspective
  • Media access and communication
  • Advocacy and capacity building for youth structures
  • Health and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Social inclusion and youth activism
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Regional cooperation and mobility opportunities
  • Youth, peace and security agenda in the Western Balkans
National Youth Congress (NYC) is a youth umbrella organization – a union of youth organizations, informal groups, youth forums of political parties.

Contact info

Bulevardi Zogu i Pare, Rr. Papa Kristo Negovani Pall. Li-Em, Shkalla 1, Kati 2, Tirana 1040, Albania

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