National Youth Congress

We are the voice of young people in Albania, working to address most pressing issues, empower youth organizations, and drive youth-led change in the country. Explore our platform to learn more.

About Us

What is NYC

National Youth Congress (NYC) is a youth umbrella organization – a union of youth organizations, informal groups, youth forums of political parties, with the aim of exchanging information, highlighting youth issues, lobbying and advocating for solving these issues and the provision of capacity building for all entities involved in the network. NYC was established in March 2013 in Tirana, in the presence of over 30 organizations at the national level. This network was initiated with the initiative of two foreign foundations: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Olof Palme International. 

Explore Our Programs

Political Education and Capacity Building

We prioritize political education and capacity building to empower young people with the knowledge and skills needed to actively participate in the democratic process. Through workshops, training, and resources, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of civic engagement and policy making. Our dedication towards political education and capacity building programs equips youth with the …

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Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

We are committed to conducting comprehensive research, monitoring, and evaluation of issues relevant to youth. This data-driven approach allows us to assess the challenges and opportunities facing young people, measure the impact of policies, and identify areas in need of improvement. Our interventions and projects in the field of Research and M&E support Informed decision-making …

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Institutional Dialogue and Cooperation

We foster institutional dialogue and cooperation by actively engaging with governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations. This collaborative approach facilitates the exchange of ideas, expertise, and resources, aiming to create a supportive environment for youth development. We perceive our work with institutional dialogue and cooperation in Albania as crucial in achieving comprehensive solutions for youth challenges. …

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Tirana European Youth Capital

The National Youth Congress managed to bring and implement the European Youth Capital 2022 title to Albania, to fulfill the dreams of thousands of young people in their country, with thousands of diverse and inclusive activities for youth.

Impressions about our
work with YOUTH

Through my collaboration with the National Youth Congress in Albania, I have experienced significant personal and professional growth. NYC's commitment to engaging young people in Albania in meaningful ways is truly remarkable. Their efforts to empower youth and civil society organizations, along with their capacity-building initiatives in politics and decision-making, are commendable. The dynamic team at NYC embody dedication and have a shared mission to be a strong voice for the youth!

Flutura Brakaj, Local Program Officer at the Regional Youth Cooperation Office - RYCO, Local Branch Albania /

In the last couple of years the collaboration with the National Youth Congress has produced great results, such as Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 title, and NYC joining the European Youth Forum's family. This was possible thanks to the utmost dedication and passion by the NYC staff in strengthening youth participation in Albania. We are honored to continue supporting NYC''s endeavors in the future and share its best practices with our members and cities that are part of the European Youth Capital family.

Natalia Kallio, Board Member at the European Youth Forum /

For me and my friend Erin, the recital concert in April 2022 in piano and guitar that we held thanks to the support of EYC 2022 and NYC Albania, was an amazing experience. For our concert, we chose the title "Music unites us" for a reason, but as we saw the hall full of our peers and not only, we realized that we had really succeeded. There we combined not only our passion for music (and the medicine for which we are currently studying), but also the pleasure of young people to hear the sounds of real music. I believe that such initiatives return youth to beauty and the desire for art.

Arlind Kamberi, young participant in the programs of Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 implemented by National Youth Congress of Albania /

At the National Youth Congress I had the privilege to connect with a diverse group of young people, with specialties in different fields, and share experiences with them. The Congress has also been an important platform for us young people to express our opinions and contribute to the shaping of youth policies. During these years, engaging in a wide range of activities, I have truly felt part of a large and supportive family.

Stelina Ndreu, Board Member at the National Youth Congress of Albania /

The National Youth Congress has been and is a second home for me. I had many opportunities to devise projects to support certain communities, and I also managed to create a wider network with other professional colleagues. Through these experiences, I was able to develop both professional and personal skills. I am happy that in Albania we have a structure that is so strong and at the center of it is the youth of the country. The motto "From the youth, for the youth, with the youth" I think suits NYC Albania and with the good spirit that permeates, I am convinced that it will only bring positive changes in Albania.

Silvi Dervishi, former Board Member at the National Youth Congress of Albania /

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National Youth Congress (NYC) is a youth umbrella organization – a union of youth organizations, informal groups, youth forums of political parties.

Contact info

Bulevardi Zogu i Pare, Rr. Papa Kristo Negovani Pall. Li-Em, Shkalla 1, Kati 2, Tirana 1040, Albania

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